Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Jens Olsen's Clock

There are numerous ways to tell time in Copenhagen; none more accurate nor more beautiful than Jens Olsen's World Clock, one of the most precise mechanical clocks in the world. The clock is comprised of nearly 15,000 parts

It can be seen on the first floor of the Town Hall Tower (right hand corner as you enter the Radhus). It's free if you have a Copenhagen Card otherwise it's 10 DKK. Visit the information office (on the left hand side as you enter the Radhus) for more information. Hours are Monday-Friday 9:30 am-4:30 pm, Saturday 9:30 am-1 pm. On Radhuspladsen (at the western end of Stroget), Copenhagen. Phone 33662582.

More on the Jens Olsen's Clock wikipedia

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